William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians

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Series Editor Introduction:

"For 200 years, people have been reading and enjoying William Bartram, a renowned naturalist.  His vivid descriptions of the flora and fauna of the American Southeast captured a world that no longer exists.  First published in 1791, Bartram's Travels has been reprinted many times, often carefully edited and annotated by students of natural history.  But Bartram was interested in the human as well as the natural history of the Southeast and his writings include large sections devoted to the American Indians of the region.  Thus Bartram's writings have also become important to students of Native American history.  Along with James Adair, Bartram is the prime source on the life ways of the early Creeks and Seminoles.  Recognizing this, Gregory Waselkov and Katheryn Holland Braund, experienced interpreters of early southeastern Indian history, have edited Bartram's writings to identify and present in one volume all of his Indian materials, both published and unpublished.  We are pleased to offer this signigicant collection of Bartram as part of the Indians of the Southeast Series." -- Theda Perdue & Michael D. Green
